Tuesday 3 May 2016

Stapleford Flight Centre (My own review)

Greetings everyone! If you are from London and still undecided on which ATO (Air Training Organization) is worth to apply, this post may help you a lot!

On the 23rd of April 2016 I had the opportunity to attend to "Stapleford flight centre" Open day taken place at Stapleford Aerodrome which is linked with the M25 motorway. Today I would like to show all the pilot wannabes my own review of what were the pros and cons, as well as my first impressions with regards courses, aircraft fleet, fees and accommodation. If you were interested in find out more about this ATO, I will be liable to provide you the most recent version right now. Lets check it out!

What courses do SFC offers?

As many of the major training organisations around the UK, SFC gives you the freedom to undertake your Zero to fATPL by either Integrated or Modular Training (To find out more about this types of training have a look around to my previous post by clicking here). During the presentation the senior instructor focused mostly on Modular training which is known as the traditional way of getting licenses due to is certainly cheaper compared to the Integrated way. This was truthfully a very kind gesture of the staff for the simple reason that they were realistic. Some major training organizations such as Oxford Aviation Academy and CTC (most recognized within the UK and the world) will try to bear you towards the Integrated option because that will lead you to a job straight after the training and the airlines are not interested in modular students anymore, which is completely "False". SFC is linked with Ryanair. Most of the modular students ended up flying with Ryanair no matter which training did you get into. Instructors point that regardless doing Integrated of Modular, the key for success is on you. Make sure you place yourself up, be professional, be competitive, expensive training do not lead to a job often.


I fully remember that my flight instructor said that if a training organisations offer prices that do not look realistic is better to stay away. This is a fact, but is SFC cheap? none of the ATOs are cheap, that is how aviation is, however I will guarantee you will not find a best offer than SFC can offer to us. It is affordable and also you are open to request a loan from "ATPL Finance" which is an organisation linked to them. Thus integrated training is expensive, ATPL finance offers a secured loan of up to £100,000 (or the full cost of the training) but you have to secure the entire loan over a property in the UK. This is a very risky decision, however that is not all, modular students are  also welcome to request a personal loan of up to £15,000 (high interests). If you want to find out what the fees are, I will drop the links to the brochures below:

SFC Integrated training brochure: click here
SFC Modular training brochure: click here

Aircraft fleet

SFC operates with a variation of modern aircraft. I had the chance to jump into the DA42 which is used for the Multi-Engine/Instrument Rating and the Tecnam P2002 for PPL (amongst the C152 and PA28 Archer) which ensures a high level of comfort for a pleasurable flight.

Diamond DA42

Tecnam P2002

Cirrus SR22


Stapleford Flight Centre offers to all students from UK and overseas a high loft dorms with the specific commodities all within the aerodrome. The cost is £175 per week plus expenses and is not included within the course fees.


After a thorough walk around the aerodrome plus the information provided and the commodities that SFC offers, I am glad to recommend this place for the pilots of the next generation. The flight instructors as I said were really professional on deliver the entire information which makes us confident that their quality of work are high standards. SFC statistics shows that the grading average in the exam during the last months were 100%!! you cannot do better than that which confirms that the material, teaching and feedbacks given are outstanding!. Even though none of the flying schools are cheap, SFC offers really economic prices for each course/rating as well as you are open to request funds without re mortgaging your house hold through ATPL Finance. I had the chance to meet some of the students and instructors and they were really open to answer any query I had and they provided me some hints and feedbacks for my future pilot career. To sum up, If be a pilot is what you really want to be and without worrying about high costs, SFC is the place for you!.