Friday 13 May 2016

Getting NOTAMS, Aerodrome Charts, Amendments and other relevant information.

NATS Aeronautical Information Service

"The best source of information for pilots within the UK"

NATS is the mayor provider of aeronautical information around the UK as a specified service under the Air Traffic Services Licence granted to NATS by the Minister of State for Transport. NATS has supported many pilots with all its useful facilities parting from Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) and Aerodrome Charts published with the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), as well as updates of aeronautical charts, airspace's and other amendments.

If this is the first time you have heard about NATS, this is how the page looks like:

I think we have to go through it! The site is pretty simple and complete, all you need to do is navigate along the top menu. If you are planning a trip towards any airport or aerodrome around the UK, you have to click on IAIP > Aerodrome Index - Specific and you will be directed to a section showing all the aerodromes ordered alphabetically, see the example below:

All you need to do is click on your preferred aerodrome and you will get a list of PDF files showing traffic patterns, SID's, STAR's, Aerodrome Chart and Textual Data. 

For those pilots who have the Pooley's Guide, I would really recommend you to refer to the AIP Charts due to they will have been updated by its scheduled time without spending around £70 for a new revision guide. All the AIP Charts are available for free and delivered in very well detail.

Here is the Elstree Chart below (example):

Other information that we as a pilots concern are potential hazards within our track and the most indicated place to carry out this revision is through the NOTAM section next to the IAIP button. You will have to create an account first and then you will be redirected to this section below: 

You can select your desired option and all the information for each section are disclosed underneath. All you need to do is type your departure and destination aerodrome, flight rules, altitude if requested and finally you will get the actual report for the whole UK or even a zone within a time period you have selected (This is done by selecting "Narrow Route Brief").

Before we end, if you have not heard about this stunning website, I will recommend you to sign up right now and you will get all the information you need in front of you. NATS registrations are not subjected to any monthly memberships, it is absolutely free and useful for all the pilots. 

Click here to visit NATS

And if you have any queries do not hesitate to drop a message to our Facebook page by clicking here. We will answer you as soon as possible.