Monday 9 May 2016

Medical Certificates for pilot training

 Medical Certificates for pilot training

Handling an aircraft involves a high level of responsibility and is extremely important that the future pilot meets all the medical standard regarding eyesight, hearing, mental health, motion etc for a safe operation of the aircraft and its occupants.

Am I fit to flight?

This is an interrogation you must take in account before undertaking a flight course. Bear in mind that you know yourself, so my advice to you is carry out a self evaluation that includes: 

Diet: Make sure you have a balanced diet, the more fat you consume the higher the increase of maths and along with it your blood vessels can be threatened. Notice that there are weights and blood pressure restrictions for flying.

Movements: There is no much to say about this. Just make sure you haven't got any difficulties when walking.

Psychologically: This is the most important part taken by pilots and airline employers because bad thoughts and negativity can lead to harmful disasters. Since the Germanwings accident has been proven that the first officer has passing through a big depression. He refused to open the cabin door while the captain, desperately, was attempting to open it. No response by the FFO... So, to sum up this if you have though about suicide, homicide or expressing an unsatisfaction of the life, just get rid of those thoughts because it can be harmful for your future career and you will not pass your medical.

All the information above will be reflected on your medical certificate.

EASA Medical Certificates

There are two main types of medical certificates for its own purpose both of them under the CAA which is an organism linked with EASA.

Class 2 Certificate

The Class 2 Certificate allows you to be eligible for a Private Pilots License (PPL), Light Aircraft Pilot Licence (LAPL) and National Private Pilots License (NPPL) all of them pertaining to a Flight Crew License. This is the main requirement for the  licenses listed above. Getting a Class 2 Certificate is pretty straight forward. You have to book and appointment with your preferred AME (Aviation Medical Examiner) and he will carry out an inspection which includes: Hearing, eyesight, movements, breathing, urine test and you will be asked to fill a form with regards the psychological test. The examination last in between 20 to 25 minutes. The fees for the Class 2 Certificate are normally between £120 - £180 (Depending on the centre chosen). 

If you are interested to book an appointment I'll drop the link that redirects you to the CAA webpage (AME section) you will find a list of all the authorized Class 2 AME's with all contact details and address. CAA Medical Examiners Database Search (Click here

Your Class 2 Medical will be valid for 5 years if you are under 40 y/o (Otherwise you have to renew it every 24 months and if you are 60+ the renewal will be yearly).

If you want to promote to professional training (CPL onwards) you must apply for a "Class 1 Certificate"

Class 1 Certificate

The Class 1 certificates comprises the same parts as a Class 2 with the difference of the examination is tougher. The main requirement is an optical report in the case you wear glasses to confirm your are within the myopia and astigmatism levels. The examination can take up to 4 hours where you will be asked several questions with regards previous medical examinations and its results, medical history or whether your medical certificate has been revoked due to unfitness. The exam will include the following: Medical history, ECG (Electrocardiogram), Physical Examination, Lung function test, Eyesight, Haemoglobin test and urine test (for more information click here). The certificate issue takes place in the same day and its validity period is 1 year if you are under 40 y/o otherwise your medical must be renewed every 6 months.

There are very few centres that undergo a Class 1 examination, the main one is located at the CAA building at Gatwick Airport. You must arrange your appointment in advance and send your application form (which can be found by clicking here) its fees hangs around £300-£360.

Notice that if you have not started a PPL course you can decide whether applying for a Class 1 straight away or a Class 2 then proceeding to the Class 1 before starting your Night Rating and ATPL Theory.

If you have any queries do not hesitate to drop a message via the Facebook Page.