Friday 15 April 2016

3 ways to become a professional pilot

A very warm welcome to our pilot wannabes. Lets keep it straight! Tired of getting wrong information? Want to be a professional pilot but you don't know where to start? Does people keeps saying "Is ridiculously expensive, low paying rates and no life at all? So I have got very good news for you!.

What would happen if I tell you that there are different ways to become a pilot and nowadays is simple to afford your flight training? Keep it in mind! "You don't have to be rich or posses a millionaire heritage" If being a pilot is what you have dreamed What are you waiting for? The chance to meet the targets is now!

Throughout these years the pilot shortage has had a significant increase (and still rising exponentially) due the high cost of the training. Many aircraft are released year by year and along with it more pilots needed so, the airlines and training providers have created some strategies to combat the pilot shortage and today you will learn about the actual paths you can chose to pursue your aviation career. Lets have a look!

Before reading the information below you must be aware of the licenses and ratings required to operate as a professional pilot. You will find all this information in our previous post. Click here to see!

If you already know what do you need and its requirements, on the table below you will find the 3 ways to gain your licenses and become an airline pilot which is where you are targeting towards.

Integrated Training

Also commonly known as Self-Sponsor Program, is a training module where all the licenses are compressed in a 14 month course at an specific flight academy.

In order to enroll to this module you must meet the following requirements:

Be at least 18.
Qualify for a Class 1 Medical.
Academic Information (GCSE Grade C or above + A Levels or Bachelor Degree).
Pass the Aptitude Test for your preferred training program
Last but not least, self motivation and a "can do attitude".

Flying experience is not required, however if you have gained a PPL license and have some hours flown will be beneficial but it will not change the entire price of the training.

PPL is not taught on Integrated Trainings (see the structure below):

Stage 1: ATPL Ground School
Stage 2: Foundation Flight Training (CPL)
Stage 3: First Officer Fundamentals
Stage 4: Advanced Flight Training (ME & ME/IR)
Stage 5: Multi-Pilot Course (MCC, JOC & Upset Recovery)

Average Price: £90,000 (Does not include Type rating)

Integrated training is one of the most expensive training modules, however some training providers have linked with Banks to provide the students access to a "Pilot Mortgage" BBVA is the only bank which provides loans for that amount of money but, security is required, you will have to remortgage your property (Within the UK, Spain, France or Netherlands) For more information click here.

After the completion of the training you will not be placed in any airline straight away until you gain your type rating (Depending on airline), but Integrated training providers do have direct contact with airlines linked with them so your chances to obtain your first job will be relatively high.

Airline Cadetship

The airline cadetship has represented a very high advantage nowadays for the future pilots because it allows you to undertake your professional training without putting any penny but accepting the terms and conditions at the end of your program.

The larger carriers have opened "Future pilots programme or Cadet programs". In order to gain a cadetship, firstly you need to find out which airlines do offer this programs (You will see the links below).

Once you have done enough research and if you are interested you are open to apply online, if the application is successful you will be invited to the airline headquarters to undertake a skills assessment and an interview, if you are successful on both the airline will literally "hire you" and you will be free to choose your preferred training provider (Depending on airline) to start an "Integrated Training" fully funded by the airline with the only difference that type rating is required and you will have a job secured at the end with the entire airline.

Some of the airline requires you to afford the whole price of the sponsorship (which can raise up to £110,000), depositing security bonds or gaining a cadetship so you won't pay for the training.

The terms and condition you need to be aware is that you have to work for the airline for a certain period of time before you decide to leave for another airline. This is in order to pay the cost of the training which means the airline will take some money from your salary. This is in case that you have completed your training via cadet program (Fully airline funded). If you pay for the sponsorship, once you have placed in the airline your bond will be repayed to you in monthly installments.

Airline Cadetships (UK Based):

British Airways Future Pilots Programme: Click here
Aer Lingus: Click here
Virgin Atlantic: Click here
EasyJet: Click here
FlyBe: Click here
Qatar Airways: Click here

Notice that: Cadet programs are very competitive, the most important prerequisite is willingness, talent, can do attitude and let your dreams fly, the airline staff will note this and they will be thirsty of more! Show them you are the desired candidate.

Modular Training

This is the traditional path to become a professional pilot due there is no limit to obtain each licenses. Modular training consist of a training cut in chunks which means obtaining one license at the time. This module is designed for people who don't want to take a full time course due any factors.

PPL License is compulsory to progress towards professional training.

After gaining all your licenses and ratings you have to seek an airline job on your own, however, you need an certain number of hours (1500 hours total flight experience) you can make it as Flight Instructor (A specific course needs to be taken) due 500 hours must be as second in command or in a multi crew flights.

Modular Training Structure is shown in the previous post (Click here)

Modular Training is the most preferred method for most of the future pilots due the lower cost and can build up more flying experience than integrated students.

To sum up, these are the most typical paths to become a professional pilot. You a free to choose any of these modules according to your financial status or availability.

If you have any queries please feel free to drop a message in our Facebook Page!

I wish you all the best in your future pilot career!.