Friday 13 May 2016

Getting NOTAMS, Aerodrome Charts, Amendments and other relevant information.

NATS Aeronautical Information Service

"The best source of information for pilots within the UK"

NATS is the mayor provider of aeronautical information around the UK as a specified service under the Air Traffic Services Licence granted to NATS by the Minister of State for Transport. NATS has supported many pilots with all its useful facilities parting from Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) and Aerodrome Charts published with the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), as well as updates of aeronautical charts, airspace's and other amendments.

If this is the first time you have heard about NATS, this is how the page looks like:

I think we have to go through it! The site is pretty simple and complete, all you need to do is navigate along the top menu. If you are planning a trip towards any airport or aerodrome around the UK, you have to click on IAIP > Aerodrome Index - Specific and you will be directed to a section showing all the aerodromes ordered alphabetically, see the example below:

All you need to do is click on your preferred aerodrome and you will get a list of PDF files showing traffic patterns, SID's, STAR's, Aerodrome Chart and Textual Data. 

For those pilots who have the Pooley's Guide, I would really recommend you to refer to the AIP Charts due to they will have been updated by its scheduled time without spending around £70 for a new revision guide. All the AIP Charts are available for free and delivered in very well detail.

Here is the Elstree Chart below (example):

Other information that we as a pilots concern are potential hazards within our track and the most indicated place to carry out this revision is through the NOTAM section next to the IAIP button. You will have to create an account first and then you will be redirected to this section below: 

You can select your desired option and all the information for each section are disclosed underneath. All you need to do is type your departure and destination aerodrome, flight rules, altitude if requested and finally you will get the actual report for the whole UK or even a zone within a time period you have selected (This is done by selecting "Narrow Route Brief").

Before we end, if you have not heard about this stunning website, I will recommend you to sign up right now and you will get all the information you need in front of you. NATS registrations are not subjected to any monthly memberships, it is absolutely free and useful for all the pilots. 

Click here to visit NATS

And if you have any queries do not hesitate to drop a message to our Facebook page by clicking here. We will answer you as soon as possible.

Monday 9 May 2016

Medical Certificates for pilot training

 Medical Certificates for pilot training

Handling an aircraft involves a high level of responsibility and is extremely important that the future pilot meets all the medical standard regarding eyesight, hearing, mental health, motion etc for a safe operation of the aircraft and its occupants.

Am I fit to flight?

This is an interrogation you must take in account before undertaking a flight course. Bear in mind that you know yourself, so my advice to you is carry out a self evaluation that includes: 

Diet: Make sure you have a balanced diet, the more fat you consume the higher the increase of maths and along with it your blood vessels can be threatened. Notice that there are weights and blood pressure restrictions for flying.

Movements: There is no much to say about this. Just make sure you haven't got any difficulties when walking.

Psychologically: This is the most important part taken by pilots and airline employers because bad thoughts and negativity can lead to harmful disasters. Since the Germanwings accident has been proven that the first officer has passing through a big depression. He refused to open the cabin door while the captain, desperately, was attempting to open it. No response by the FFO... So, to sum up this if you have though about suicide, homicide or expressing an unsatisfaction of the life, just get rid of those thoughts because it can be harmful for your future career and you will not pass your medical.

All the information above will be reflected on your medical certificate.

EASA Medical Certificates

There are two main types of medical certificates for its own purpose both of them under the CAA which is an organism linked with EASA.

Class 2 Certificate

The Class 2 Certificate allows you to be eligible for a Private Pilots License (PPL), Light Aircraft Pilot Licence (LAPL) and National Private Pilots License (NPPL) all of them pertaining to a Flight Crew License. This is the main requirement for the  licenses listed above. Getting a Class 2 Certificate is pretty straight forward. You have to book and appointment with your preferred AME (Aviation Medical Examiner) and he will carry out an inspection which includes: Hearing, eyesight, movements, breathing, urine test and you will be asked to fill a form with regards the psychological test. The examination last in between 20 to 25 minutes. The fees for the Class 2 Certificate are normally between £120 - £180 (Depending on the centre chosen). 

If you are interested to book an appointment I'll drop the link that redirects you to the CAA webpage (AME section) you will find a list of all the authorized Class 2 AME's with all contact details and address. CAA Medical Examiners Database Search (Click here

Your Class 2 Medical will be valid for 5 years if you are under 40 y/o (Otherwise you have to renew it every 24 months and if you are 60+ the renewal will be yearly).

If you want to promote to professional training (CPL onwards) you must apply for a "Class 1 Certificate"

Class 1 Certificate

The Class 1 certificates comprises the same parts as a Class 2 with the difference of the examination is tougher. The main requirement is an optical report in the case you wear glasses to confirm your are within the myopia and astigmatism levels. The examination can take up to 4 hours where you will be asked several questions with regards previous medical examinations and its results, medical history or whether your medical certificate has been revoked due to unfitness. The exam will include the following: Medical history, ECG (Electrocardiogram), Physical Examination, Lung function test, Eyesight, Haemoglobin test and urine test (for more information click here). The certificate issue takes place in the same day and its validity period is 1 year if you are under 40 y/o otherwise your medical must be renewed every 6 months.

There are very few centres that undergo a Class 1 examination, the main one is located at the CAA building at Gatwick Airport. You must arrange your appointment in advance and send your application form (which can be found by clicking here) its fees hangs around £300-£360.

Notice that if you have not started a PPL course you can decide whether applying for a Class 1 straight away or a Class 2 then proceeding to the Class 1 before starting your Night Rating and ATPL Theory.

If you have any queries do not hesitate to drop a message via the Facebook Page.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Qantas flight grounded due to suspicious WI-FI Hotspot

Breaking News!! 

"Qantas flight threatened by a WI-Fi hotspot"

Greetings everyone. How would you feel if you find a network that can represent a threat for your entire flight? That is what happened recently in Perth, Australia.

A Qantas flight scheduled to depart from Perth to Melbourne has been grounded and delayed after 40 passengers refused to board the aircraft due to a mobile hotspot named "Mobile Detonation Device". One of the passengers reported to the cabin crew affirming that is a sort of "threatening game". 

Apparently the person responsible of this "joke" did not want anyone to connect to his network in order to save his data, but on the attempt of making people away of the hotspot the things went too far out.

Plenty of people give their WiFi network a scary-sounding name to ward off potential free-loaders. Normally, it’s not any big deal. But if you’re getting ready to board a plane you may want to temporarily change it or just leave your hotspot shut off… unless you’re cool risking a one-on-one visit with a disgruntled airport security staffs with a pair of rubber gloves.

How would you feel if you encounter this sort of threatening games when boarding an aeroplane? You can leave your comments and opinions on the Facebook page (Click here).

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Stapleford Flight Centre (My own review)

Greetings everyone! If you are from London and still undecided on which ATO (Air Training Organization) is worth to apply, this post may help you a lot!

On the 23rd of April 2016 I had the opportunity to attend to "Stapleford flight centre" Open day taken place at Stapleford Aerodrome which is linked with the M25 motorway. Today I would like to show all the pilot wannabes my own review of what were the pros and cons, as well as my first impressions with regards courses, aircraft fleet, fees and accommodation. If you were interested in find out more about this ATO, I will be liable to provide you the most recent version right now. Lets check it out!

What courses do SFC offers?

As many of the major training organisations around the UK, SFC gives you the freedom to undertake your Zero to fATPL by either Integrated or Modular Training (To find out more about this types of training have a look around to my previous post by clicking here). During the presentation the senior instructor focused mostly on Modular training which is known as the traditional way of getting licenses due to is certainly cheaper compared to the Integrated way. This was truthfully a very kind gesture of the staff for the simple reason that they were realistic. Some major training organizations such as Oxford Aviation Academy and CTC (most recognized within the UK and the world) will try to bear you towards the Integrated option because that will lead you to a job straight after the training and the airlines are not interested in modular students anymore, which is completely "False". SFC is linked with Ryanair. Most of the modular students ended up flying with Ryanair no matter which training did you get into. Instructors point that regardless doing Integrated of Modular, the key for success is on you. Make sure you place yourself up, be professional, be competitive, expensive training do not lead to a job often.


I fully remember that my flight instructor said that if a training organisations offer prices that do not look realistic is better to stay away. This is a fact, but is SFC cheap? none of the ATOs are cheap, that is how aviation is, however I will guarantee you will not find a best offer than SFC can offer to us. It is affordable and also you are open to request a loan from "ATPL Finance" which is an organisation linked to them. Thus integrated training is expensive, ATPL finance offers a secured loan of up to £100,000 (or the full cost of the training) but you have to secure the entire loan over a property in the UK. This is a very risky decision, however that is not all, modular students are  also welcome to request a personal loan of up to £15,000 (high interests). If you want to find out what the fees are, I will drop the links to the brochures below:

SFC Integrated training brochure: click here
SFC Modular training brochure: click here

Aircraft fleet

SFC operates with a variation of modern aircraft. I had the chance to jump into the DA42 which is used for the Multi-Engine/Instrument Rating and the Tecnam P2002 for PPL (amongst the C152 and PA28 Archer) which ensures a high level of comfort for a pleasurable flight.

Diamond DA42

Tecnam P2002

Cirrus SR22


Stapleford Flight Centre offers to all students from UK and overseas a high loft dorms with the specific commodities all within the aerodrome. The cost is £175 per week plus expenses and is not included within the course fees.


After a thorough walk around the aerodrome plus the information provided and the commodities that SFC offers, I am glad to recommend this place for the pilots of the next generation. The flight instructors as I said were really professional on deliver the entire information which makes us confident that their quality of work are high standards. SFC statistics shows that the grading average in the exam during the last months were 100%!! you cannot do better than that which confirms that the material, teaching and feedbacks given are outstanding!. Even though none of the flying schools are cheap, SFC offers really economic prices for each course/rating as well as you are open to request funds without re mortgaging your house hold through ATPL Finance. I had the chance to meet some of the students and instructors and they were really open to answer any query I had and they provided me some hints and feedbacks for my future pilot career. To sum up, If be a pilot is what you really want to be and without worrying about high costs, SFC is the place for you!. 

Friday 15 April 2016

3 ways to become a professional pilot

A very warm welcome to our pilot wannabes. Lets keep it straight! Tired of getting wrong information? Want to be a professional pilot but you don't know where to start? Does people keeps saying "Is ridiculously expensive, low paying rates and no life at all? So I have got very good news for you!.

What would happen if I tell you that there are different ways to become a pilot and nowadays is simple to afford your flight training? Keep it in mind! "You don't have to be rich or posses a millionaire heritage" If being a pilot is what you have dreamed What are you waiting for? The chance to meet the targets is now!

Throughout these years the pilot shortage has had a significant increase (and still rising exponentially) due the high cost of the training. Many aircraft are released year by year and along with it more pilots needed so, the airlines and training providers have created some strategies to combat the pilot shortage and today you will learn about the actual paths you can chose to pursue your aviation career. Lets have a look!

Before reading the information below you must be aware of the licenses and ratings required to operate as a professional pilot. You will find all this information in our previous post. Click here to see!

If you already know what do you need and its requirements, on the table below you will find the 3 ways to gain your licenses and become an airline pilot which is where you are targeting towards.

Integrated Training

Also commonly known as Self-Sponsor Program, is a training module where all the licenses are compressed in a 14 month course at an specific flight academy.

In order to enroll to this module you must meet the following requirements:

Be at least 18.
Qualify for a Class 1 Medical.
Academic Information (GCSE Grade C or above + A Levels or Bachelor Degree).
Pass the Aptitude Test for your preferred training program
Last but not least, self motivation and a "can do attitude".

Flying experience is not required, however if you have gained a PPL license and have some hours flown will be beneficial but it will not change the entire price of the training.

PPL is not taught on Integrated Trainings (see the structure below):

Stage 1: ATPL Ground School
Stage 2: Foundation Flight Training (CPL)
Stage 3: First Officer Fundamentals
Stage 4: Advanced Flight Training (ME & ME/IR)
Stage 5: Multi-Pilot Course (MCC, JOC & Upset Recovery)

Average Price: £90,000 (Does not include Type rating)

Integrated training is one of the most expensive training modules, however some training providers have linked with Banks to provide the students access to a "Pilot Mortgage" BBVA is the only bank which provides loans for that amount of money but, security is required, you will have to remortgage your property (Within the UK, Spain, France or Netherlands) For more information click here.

After the completion of the training you will not be placed in any airline straight away until you gain your type rating (Depending on airline), but Integrated training providers do have direct contact with airlines linked with them so your chances to obtain your first job will be relatively high.

Airline Cadetship

The airline cadetship has represented a very high advantage nowadays for the future pilots because it allows you to undertake your professional training without putting any penny but accepting the terms and conditions at the end of your program.

The larger carriers have opened "Future pilots programme or Cadet programs". In order to gain a cadetship, firstly you need to find out which airlines do offer this programs (You will see the links below).

Once you have done enough research and if you are interested you are open to apply online, if the application is successful you will be invited to the airline headquarters to undertake a skills assessment and an interview, if you are successful on both the airline will literally "hire you" and you will be free to choose your preferred training provider (Depending on airline) to start an "Integrated Training" fully funded by the airline with the only difference that type rating is required and you will have a job secured at the end with the entire airline.

Some of the airline requires you to afford the whole price of the sponsorship (which can raise up to £110,000), depositing security bonds or gaining a cadetship so you won't pay for the training.

The terms and condition you need to be aware is that you have to work for the airline for a certain period of time before you decide to leave for another airline. This is in order to pay the cost of the training which means the airline will take some money from your salary. This is in case that you have completed your training via cadet program (Fully airline funded). If you pay for the sponsorship, once you have placed in the airline your bond will be repayed to you in monthly installments.

Airline Cadetships (UK Based):

British Airways Future Pilots Programme: Click here
Aer Lingus: Click here
Virgin Atlantic: Click here
EasyJet: Click here
FlyBe: Click here
Qatar Airways: Click here

Notice that: Cadet programs are very competitive, the most important prerequisite is willingness, talent, can do attitude and let your dreams fly, the airline staff will note this and they will be thirsty of more! Show them you are the desired candidate.

Modular Training

This is the traditional path to become a professional pilot due there is no limit to obtain each licenses. Modular training consist of a training cut in chunks which means obtaining one license at the time. This module is designed for people who don't want to take a full time course due any factors.

PPL License is compulsory to progress towards professional training.

After gaining all your licenses and ratings you have to seek an airline job on your own, however, you need an certain number of hours (1500 hours total flight experience) you can make it as Flight Instructor (A specific course needs to be taken) due 500 hours must be as second in command or in a multi crew flights.

Modular Training Structure is shown in the previous post (Click here)

Modular Training is the most preferred method for most of the future pilots due the lower cost and can build up more flying experience than integrated students.

To sum up, these are the most typical paths to become a professional pilot. You a free to choose any of these modules according to your financial status or availability.

If you have any queries please feel free to drop a message in our Facebook Page!

I wish you all the best in your future pilot career!.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Licenses and Ratings required to become a professional pilot (According to CAA rules)

Be a pilot is a desire that has come travelling through our veins from birth. Every child has dreamed to be sitting on the left hand seat of an Airbus, Boeing, etc. As you are growing up and becoming mature then you realize of the level of commitment and motivation that you need besides higher workload and responsibility involved for the entire role, however nothing is imposible, if you have good intentions and confidence towards your targets Good news! You will make it!.

However there is one thing that makes the pilot wannabes concerned and that is the amount of money you need to invest for each licenses/ratings/courses and that has represented a significant "turn off" for the future pilots which has led to an increased pilot shortage throughout this years.

But, I have good news for you! From experience I dare to tell you, regardless of how high the fees are, nowadays it is affordable! The aviation industry is aware of the pilot shortage and highly recognized airlines along flying schools have developed essential methods to fund your training efficiently in order to support future pilots to meet their targets and help the aviation industry to grow.

Before deciding which path to follow to achieve a place in an airline you must be aware of the licenses you need to become an airline pilot, the training required and the price. In the table below you will see what licenses do you need, how many flight training hours does each license requires and the order you need to follow:

1. Private Pilot License (PPL) AVG. Price: £8500

If you want to fly for fun, a PPL license is all you need. 
You are not allowed to work commercially.
Allows you to fly on VFR conditions (Below the clouds).


Be at least 17 (Aeroplanes, Helicopters) 
Be at least 16 (Microlights, Gliders, Balloons)
Be elegible for a Class 2 Medical Certificate


45 hours prior the skills test in a single piston engine aircraft (Not exceeding 2730kg) which includes:

25 hours dual.
10 hours solo.
5 hours that can be completed on a simulator (depending on flying school).

The training comprises 9 theoretical exam in the following subjects:

Air Law
Operational Procedures
Human Performance and Limitations
Aircraft General 
Flight Planning and Performance
Principles of Flying

If you want to upgrade your license and progress towards advanced or professional trainings you need to build up your flying experience after gaining your PPL License. These are the steps you need to follow:

2. Hours Building

After completing your PPL level, if your intention is to work within the aviation industry professionally you are required to build up your flying experience as CAA requires to do it so.


Have a PPL license.
A valid Class 1 Medical Certificate

Hours Building:

Notice that CPL is the next license after PPL. You must log 150-200 hours prior the start of the CPL course where:

100 Hours must be as PIC (Pilot in Command).
20 Hours Cross-Country Flight as PIC (Must include a 540km Qualified Cross-Country).
5 Hours of Night Flight Time.

This can be achieved by hiring an aeroplane (Single Engine not exceeding 2730Kg) from any approved Flight School within the CAA/EASA. There are not fixed prices for hours building as you can pay per total time flown on the entire day.

Flight Schools and Aircraft Rental (Top Recommended):

FlyElstree (Recommended):
Stapleford Flight Centre:
CAE Oxford Aviation Academy:
Westair Flying School:
Flyers Flying School:
Flight Training London:

2.1 ATPL Theoretical Course. AVG Price: Full time: £4000 / Distance Learning: £2000

In order to access to advanced training (CPL, IR, ME) this is the theoretical knowledge you must have. Notice that the ATPL Theoretical Course can be done along your building hours.


Be at least 18.
Hold a Valid PPL License.
Class 1 Medical Certificate.
Linguistic Competency in English Language.
Knowledge of Maths and Physics.

Ground School:

660 Hours of theoretical course (7 months).
14 Exams.

Subjects to cover:

Human Performance and Limitations
Air Law & ATC Procedures
Operational Procedures
VFR Communications
IFR Communications
Principles of Flying
Flight Planning
General Navigation
Mass & Balance
Aircraft General Knowledge
Radio Navigation

Approved ATO's to undertake ATPL course:

CAE Oxford Aviation Academy: Full Time: Distance Learning:

CATS Aviation:
CTC Aviation:
Bristol Ground School:
Stapleford Flight Centre:

3. Commercial Pilot License (CPL) AVG. Price: £6500

This license will allow you to make money for your services. The training is a hardest version of PPL as the level of tolerance is sharp.


Be at least 18.
Have completed the ATPL Theoretical Course and all 14 exams passed.
A valid PPL License.
A valid Class 1 Medical Certificate.


25 Hours minimum of dual instruction before the skills test.

4. Multi-Engine Rating (ME). AVG. Price: £2500

Allows you to operate aeroplanes with two or more engines.


A valid CPL License.
A valid Class 1 Medical.

Have completed at least 30 hours on Single Engine Piston powered aeroplanes of which at least 5 hours shall be in the 6 months preceding the pre-entry flight test.


6 Hours minimum in a Multi Engine powered aircraft.
1 Hour minimum for the skills test.

5. Multi-Engine / Instrument Rating (ME/IR) AVG. Price: £12000

Allows you to fly in low visibility conditions or non VFR.


30 hours minimum of dual instruction.
15 hours minimum of dual instruction.

6. Multi Crew Cockpit Course (MCC) AVG. Price: £2400

The MCC course introduces the student into the two or three crew environment. Previously acquired IR Skills are used and expanded, Use of Standard Operating procedures (SOPs) are developed as well as emergency and problem solving in a multi crew cockpit. Compulsory requirement for those pilots who want to work for an airline.


8 Days of advanced training in the B737 or A320 Simulator.

7. Jet Orientation Cockpit (JOC) (Can be combined with your MCC Course).

With the complex generic medium jet version of the ALX we have the perfect platform to demonstrate characteristics of flight at high altitude in a swept wing aircraft. Also considered are operations at extreme temperatures both high & low. Realistic loft exercises where TCAS, extreme weather including windshear are encountered. 


2 Days Course.

8. Type Rating Course. AVG Price: £30000 / Funded by the airlines.

The Type Rating Course comprises a highly advanced training an specific turboprop aeroplane. This is the most important requirement when applying for any airline as you must have a knowledge of the aircraft that the airlines posses.

Training (Extracted from CAE Oxford Aviation Academy):

Technical Ground CourseAircraft Systems CBT
Mass & Balance / Performance
8 hours /2 sessions: Flight Training Device
Duration: approximately 13-15 days
Simulator Training4 hours /1 session: Flight Training Device 36 hours /9 sessions: Full Flight SimulatorLicense Skills Test
Minimum 4 hours per crew
Aircraft Base Training6 landings required in aircraft. Further information provided by your chosen CAE training centre.
Total Course DurationApproximately 4-6 weeks at training center
Available Aircraft PlatformsATR 42/72
DASH8 Q400
DASH8 Q100/300
SAAB 340
SAAB 2000
CRJ 200, CRJ700/900
EMB 170/190
Dornier 328
Fokker 50
Fokker 70/100

For further details click on this link:
Training Brochure:

To sum up the entire post, these are all the licenses required if you are aspiring for an airline career or any other comercial role such as Flight Instruction, Police Pilot, Medical Pilot, etc (further training needs to be taken), however there are "3 ways" you can choose to become an airline pilot taking in account your financial situation and availability, as well as financial support you can opt (We will talk about this in the next post). 

My advice for you is: Go to your nearest flying school (or you can check the links out listed above) or attend to an open day, if available so, you will have a chance to speak with the instructors and actual students. Inform yourself before putting any money in so you will have a clearer idea of what to expect.

If you have any queries you can drop a message on our Facebook Page and we will get to you as soon as possible.

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